So, you have been hearing in the news terms like “Blue Hydrogen” and countries pledging to use it to replace fossil fuels, but you have no clue about what is going on? I can help.
Hydrogen is one of the world’s most abundant and naturally occurring elements that is found mixed with other elements, think H2O (water). And while it has a plethora of different usages, it burns really well, thus it could be used in energy production. This is why many believe that it could be used as an energy vector for power generation and heavy manufacturing that will eventually lead to net-zero emission grids and manufacturing processes.
When compared in volumes, the energy content of Hydrogen (12.7 MJ/cubic meter HHV) is a third of that of Natural Gas (40 MJ/cubic meter HHV), which means that to produce the same amount of energy from a litre of NG, for example, you would need to burn 3 litres of Hydrogen. However, on a weight basis, Hydrogen (142 MJ/kg) has 3 times more energy content than Natural Gas (55.6 MJ/kg). Interesting, right?
How to Source Hydrogen
Here is where terms like black, grey, blue, and green hydrogen come up. These terms define the source from which Hydrogen is being produced.
In general, Hydrogen is extracted from any of the following sources:
- Coal,
- Natural Gas,
- Oil, or
- Water via Electrolysis (splitting water atoms, hydrogen and oxygen, from each other using electricity)
Black/Brown Hydrogen is produced from the gasification of Coal, i.e. the coal is put through a high-temperature process without combusting it, and the end products will be Carbon Monoxide (highly toxic), Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen. Coal has been the oldest source of Hydrogen
Grey Hydrogen is produced from Natural Gas using a process called Steam Methane Reforming. The process has the majority of the world’s market share of hydrogen production, due to being the cheapest method of hydrogen production currently available.
Blue Hydrogen is produced from the aforementioned fossil fuel sources and methodologies, but the production process has a Carbon Capturing element to it, i.e. the carbon dioxide produced from the process is captured and stored underground (Also called Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage, CCUS).
Production of Blue Hydrogen
الهيدروجين الأخضر is produced from water using Electrolysis but powered by Renewable sources, such as Solar or Wind. Furthermore, Solar energy has been utilised in other methods to split hydrogen from oxygen, such as:
- Thermochemical Splitting: Generating high temperatures from concentrated solar power to split water through a series of chemical reactions.
- Photoelectrochemical Splitting: Using a special type of semiconductors to directly use solar energy to split the water particles.
Production of Green Hydrogen
You might be thinking, why can’t we just use Renewable Energy to produce Hydrogen and avoid all the other colour-labelled hydrogens?
Unfortunately, there is an efficiency issue with this method. Using renewable energy to split water particles by electrolysis, then storing, shipping, and converting the stored hydrogen back to electricity has a 70% loss of energy price tag. This means that only 30% of the hydrogen originally produced could be used by the receiver.
For example, assuming that electricity from a wind farm has an efficiency of 30% (Lower end of the scale), has been used to produce Hydrogen then the total electricity stored to be used later would lower the efficiency of the wind farm down to 10% at the receiver’s end. In comparison, Lithium-ion batteries have a 99% storage efficiency.
How to store and transport Hydrogen
Hydrogen can be stored in four different forms:
Gaseous form: stored in high-pressure gas tanks.
Liquid form: the gas is liquified by cooling it down to a cool -252.8 degree Celcius and loaded into cryogenic tanks (similar to Liquified Natural Gas, only colder). This technology has been mostly utilised for space rockets.
Geological Storage: Hydrogen is stored under the ground in depleted oil reservoirs since the powerful underground pressure compresses the gas.
Material-based Storage: this process uses materials that can absorb hydrogen and make it easy to transport and extract hydrogen from the materials later on.
Ammonia has been the promising method of hydrogen gas transport since it has 1.7 times the energy density of hydrogen and it can be turned into liquid at only -33 degree Celcius. (Source: SPGlobal)
How much does it cost?
The price of Hydrogen increases as the process of extracting it becomes more complicated.
Grey Hydrogen prices are as low as US$1/kg in regions where coal and Natural Gas are abundant and below US$2/kg in other regions such as Europe.
Blue Hydrogen prices are at approximately US$1.4/kg, due to the addition of the carbon capture process mentioned earlier.
Green Hydrogen prices are much higher between US$2.5 – 6.5/kg, due to the cost of the electrolysis processes (while assuming that the cost of renewable energy is US$65/MWh)
The highest cost for Natural Gas-fueled Grey Hydrogen producers is usually fuel, at 45 to 75% of the production costs, while if they decide to implement CCUS technologies they will have to accept a 50% increase in their capital expenditure. (Source: KPMG)
In regards to Green Hydrogen plants, fuel (electricity) accounts for 45% to 75% of the production costs, which is the current limiting factor for the technology.
Future of Hydrogen
The EU pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. To achieve this target the Bloc vowed to implement its Hydrogen Strategy, where between 2020 and 2024 they will produce 1 MT/year of Green Hydrogen by increasing their Electrolysis capacity by at least 6 GW. By 2030, the EU plans to produce 10 Mt/year of Green Hydrogen by increasing the Electrolysis capacity to 40 GW.
Japan has also pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and it is planning to consume 0.3 Mt/year of imported and locally produced Green Hydrogen by 2030 to achieve economies of scale and reduce the cost of the Hydrogen supply chain to reach 10 MT/year. This will help the country to fuel its power stations with a combined capacity of 30 GW (equivalent to 30 nuclear reactors). Additionally, Japan estimated that the demand for Ammonia in the power and shipping segments will reach 30 Mt/year by 2050, which is one of the drivers for the country to develop a hydrogen supply chain to satisfy the local demand.
Australia’s Hydrogen strategy on the other hand does not have fixed key performance targets, however, the country aims to reduce the cost of green hydrogen down to US$ 2/kg and to become one of the biggest Hydrogen exporters to the Asian energy markets.
South Korea’s Hydrogen strategy is based more around fuel cell technologies, where it is planning on investing in the technology on a large scale to eventually supply 15 GW of hydrogen fuel cell for power generation by 2040 including 7 GW for export. However, S. Korea’s main focus at the moment is powering the transport sector, intending to produce 6.9 million Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (with 3.3 million vehicles for export) by 2040.
Saudi Arabia shipped the world’s first shipment of Blue Ammonia to Japan in 2020 to be used to produce electricity by the latter. Ammonia was produced in Jabil in the north of the Kingdom and the captured CO2 was used for methanol production by SABIC and to enhance oil recovery by ARAMCO.
Furthermore, the Kingdom’s government has unveiled the region’s first Green Hydrogen project at Neom by the red sea that will be powered by clean solar and wind energy, which will cost US$ 5 billion, as the country aims to become the world’s biggest supplier of Hydrogen.
The 2025 project in Neom is expected to produce 1.2 Mt of Green Ammonia per year. The cost is potentially much higher in contrast to producing the same amount of Blue Ammonia which would typically cost US$ 500 million, according to HSBC.
What about the Hardware
At the moment, Natural Gas infrastructure can be utilised to transfer and burn Hydrogen along with Natural Gas. For example, Natural Gas pipelines can be used to transfer Hydrogen gas blended, in low percentages, with NG.
General Electric mentioned that their Gas Turbines can burn varying fuel concentrations of Hydrogen between 5% and 95% with certain technical modifications to the turbines and the facilities. However, several major power generation manufacturers are planning on producing dedicated Hydrogen turbines soon.
In January, Kawasaki started operational tests on the world’s first liquid Hydrogen terminal in Japan. The terminal is meant to be part of the country’s mega plan to build the supply chain needed for a Green Hydrogen Economy. Furthermore, RWE and German LNG Terminal GmbH are studying the feasibility of importing liquid Hydrogen through the same LNG terminal currently being built in northern Germany.
Using Hydrogen as an Energy vector soon will help reduce GHG emission in the most polluting sectors. However, Green Hydrogen has its challenges, since most of the technologies available, today are either too expensive or still in the testing phase.
The competition for the installation of the Hydrogen supply chain amongst countries will certainly speed up the reduction of capital and production costs. However, while there are parts of the Natural Gas supply chain that can be used to transfer and store hydrogen in one of the aforementioned forms, there will be technical challenges with their costs that will require further research and development.
Great Primer – thank you. JBB
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